Pratt in Venice 35th anniversary!
Come here for updates, news, and announcements on how we’re connecting with our illustrious alumnae/i from the past three and a half decades, and planning for the program’s future!
Are you an alum of the program and want to update us on what you’re up to? Please get in touch with with news!
Pratt in Venice, in celebration of 35 years of the Program, held a Research Symposium on Friday, November 6, 2020. The recording of the Symposium is now available!
Over the past year, Pratt in Venice has been delighted to celebrate its 35 years with alumni and friends. Our reflections on our accomplishments and those of our alumni have invigorated us as we look to the program’s future.
Pratt in Venice, in celebration of 35 years of the Program, will hold a Research Symposium on Friday, November 6, 2020, from noon–5:30 pm EST.
Pratt in Venice is pleased to launch an online catalogue documenting the work of the Pratt in Venice 35th Anniversary Exhibition.
Pratt in Venice inaugurated its celebrations in honor of the 35th year of the program with the exhibition, Infinite Jest. Documentary filmmaker Wenlu Bao explores the exhibition and the Pratt in Venice program in this short film, debuted at the Pratt in Venice 35th Anniversary Exhibition in Brooklyn, NY on October 26, 2019.
President Frances Bronet invites you to join us for a reception to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Pratt in Venice program.
In a series of events highlighting the breadth and depth of participants’ achievements as artists and scholars, Pratt in Venice welcomed alumni as guests to La Serenissima this summer.
Pratt in Venice alumna Hye won Hahn (’06) was honored on the occasion of her exhibition, Life Line_Begin, held at the Tri-Mission Art Gallery at the United States Embassy in Rome.
Pratt in Venice inaugurated its celebrations in honor of the 35th year of the program with the exhibition and Art Night 2019 panel, Infinite Jest!
Pratt in Venice will inaugurate its celebrations in honor of the 35th year of the program with the exhibition, Infinite Jest, on June 13th, at 6.00 pm.

Pratt in Venice has launched an Online Sale of original artwork by alumni of the program to benefit the Scholarship Fund.